Christmas Gratitude!

Christmas Tree

This year has bought with it so many good things for me. I just want to take a moment to give thanks with a little Christmas gratitude list! In mid 2018, I had been on a bit of a bumpy road and was feeling rather pessimistic about the things I had always dreamed of coming true. At the end of the year, unexpectedly, my now beardy boyfriend popped up in my life. First as a friend, but pretty quickly becoming more. It’s been one hell of a year together and I have definitely found my lobster! So that is the …

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How to Get Motivated to Clean When Overwhelmed by Mess

how to get motivated to clean when overwhelmed by mess

Do you want to know how to get motivated to clean when you’re overwhelmed by mess? You are not alone. Everyone needs a bit of housework motivation sometimes. Housework is overwhelming at the best of times. Life moves pretty fast. Whilst you are busy looking around and enjoying it, you end up with a cluttered house. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by a messy house. When you do finally spend some time at home, all you can think is “My house is a disgusting mess!”. It feels like a huge job but you’ve no idea how to start cleaning a messy …

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What are the best Zoflora Uses?

What are the best Zoflora Uses?

There are so many Zoflora uses, but when you first pick up a bottle it can sometimes be an underwhelming experience. You’ve heard lots of people going on about where to buy Zoflora and discussing their favourite smells were. So you decide to grab a bottle and after spending far longer than is probably decent in the aisle sniffing all the different lovely Zoflora fragrances, you bring it home…. Now what? It helps if I answer the question “What is Zoflora?”. It is essentially just a lovely smelling concentrated disinfectant. This should give you a rough idea of how to …

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Minimalist Travel Backpack Guide

Minimalist Travel Backpack Guide

Recently I purchased a minimalist travel backpack for my regular travel. I was fed up of wheeling around a little case. Especially for short hop trips. So I wanted the freedom of a backpack and a more minimal system for short term travel. So I had been researching the best travel backpack and chose to opt for a minimalist travel bag and ethos.  I decided that it was important for me to cut out the excess and start honing down. I’m not ready for ultra-minimalist travel, but I want to start being more intentional with my packing.  I have always …

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