Christmas Gratitude!


This year has bought with it so many good things for me. I just want to take a moment to give thanks with a little Christmas gratitude list!

In mid 2018, I had been on a bit of a bumpy road and was feeling rather pessimistic about the things I had always dreamed of coming true.

At the end of the year, unexpectedly, my now beardy boyfriend popped up in my life. First as a friend, but pretty quickly becoming more.

It’s been one hell of a year together and I have definitely found my lobster! So that is the first thing on my gratitude list to give thanks for.

That on its own would have been enough to make it a fabulous year but there is more.

I went for an unlikely promotion in summer and blow me over, if I didn’t make the grade! Ecstatic doesn’t begin to cover how I felt.

Finally, after 2 years of debt reduction and 5 years of saving I finally had a deposit to buy my first house. In August I found a new house. In October I got the keys.

Choosing a house and going through the buying process alone was stressful but I’m so proud I did it all on my own! Though I don’t feel so lonely anymore.

May all your Christmases be bright!

So it is my first Christmas in my new house (obligatory Christmas tree picture, sorry!) and yet I’m thankful that I won’t be spending any time over Christmas in my little house.

I’m off to spend it with my lovely Beardy Boyfriend and his family before I visit my extended family myself. I feel so blessed. Also though rather proud of everything I have achieved this year. Graft counts for a lot.

Here’s to another wonderful year next year. And if you’ll allow me to be totally cheesy for the last few sentences… May your year be just as blessed!

Merry Christmas one and all!