Self-Care Checklist

Self-Care Checklist

If you are anything like me and appreciate a list to guide you when completing tasks, you’ll love this Self-Care Checklist.  Why you need a self-care plan?  What’s that old saying? “Fail to plan, plan to fail”. This is especially true when it comes to self-care activities.  It is pitifully easy to let areas of your routine slip when life vamps up. Who needs sleep, when you have this big project at work due? Daylight? What is that!? This one is particularly jarring to me right now since they put privacy screens on the windows at work so now I …

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Benefits of Self-Care

Benefits of Self-Care

I’m going to talk to you about the benefits of self-care. Everyone is talking about it lately and undoubtedly saying that you should be doing it. Yet, if you are anything like me you are probably massively over complicating things. When people spoke to me about self-care, my brain immediately added a level of complexity to the proceedings. Surely it couldn’t just be a word that covers how to take care of yourself? There had to be more to it, right? Wrong. So what is self-care? Simply, it is when you take time for yourself. Not even that really. If …

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